Compassionate Lawyers For Workplace Anxiety And Stress Injuries
The pressures of any job can produce stress and anxiety for workers throughout Massachusetts. Emotional stress injuries can result in excessive anxiety attacks, psychological disorders and depression. Some emotional stress disorders can cause total disability for a worker. If you have suffered mental or emotional injuries in the workplace, the lawyer you choose to represent you can make a substantial difference in the outcome of your workers’ compensation claim.
The attorneys at the Law Office of Colonna, Doyle & Simeola represent workers who are suffering from stress, anxiety or depression caused by a stressful and abusive event in the workplace. We have represented clients throughout the North Shore and Boston metro area since 1995. Our experienced, compassionate attorneys understand what is at stake for you in your workers’ compensation case.
Emotional And Psychological Health Injuries In Massachusetts
Under Massachusetts law, disabling emotional and psychological health problems caused by an excessive and abnormal event (or series of events) may be compensable through workers’ compensation. These claims follow a different standard than most workers’ comp matters. For instance, investigations into alleged employee misconduct or disciplinary matters in the workplace supported by a bone fide personnel decision receive protection under the workers’ compensation laws.
The law requires a worker to prove that a specific abusive event is the predominant cause of an emotional or psychological injury. Normal employee discipline or personnel decisions, such as demotions, transfers or discharges of workers, that cause anxiety will not support a workers’ compensation claim.
Dedicated Workers’ Comp Guidance And Representation
If you have been subjected to the intentional infliction of emotional stress in the workplace due to excessive bullying or a traumatic event leading to emotional harm (including post-traumatic stress disorder), we urge you to contact the dedicated lawyers at Law Office of Colonna, Doyle & Simeola for a case evaluation. Workers who have suffered serious workplace injuries that have resulted in anxiety or depression may also qualify for additional mental health benefits in a workers’ compensation claim.
Learn About Your Options
To speak with a workplace anxiety and stress injury attorney in Lynnfield to discuss your workers’ compensation claim, send us an email or call 781-667-2658. We will fully evaluate your individual circumstances and provide straightforward answers and guidance concerning your legal options.