If you suffered injuries or lost a loved one in a collision with a commercial truck, you know just how devastating these accidents can be. Semitrailers are monster machines. Their sheer size and weight can crush standard motor vehicles in an instant. The losses suffered in such truck accidents cannot be understated. They can be life changing.
In Massachusetts, accidents involving semitrailers and other types of commercial vehicles are an all too common occurrence. When they do happen, victims or — in the event of fatality — their surviving family members want to know who is to blame and who is going to cover the resulting damages.
Placing blame
After a collision, no one really wants to accept blame. That is why to establish fault, a complete investigation must occur. Law enforcement officers handle a large chunk of the investigative process. Legal counsel also has the ability to gain access to information that may help your case if you choose to pursue compensation for your losses.
Negligence and liability
If there is reason to suspect truck driver or company negligence, you may seek compensation for your losses by pursuing civil claims against these parties. Depending on the facts of your case, you may also file legal actions against the following:
- Insurance providers
- Equipment manufacturers
- Local government
With the assistance of legal counsel, you can be sure to file the appropriate claims against all responsible parties.
Recoverable damages
Damages associated with truck accidents can be economic and noneconomic in nature. Damages often recoverable following a trucking accident include:
- Medical expenses
- Lost wages
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of future earnings
- Loss of companionship
- Funeral expenses
Every case is different. Some are settled through out-of-court negotiations and others require litigation. No matter how your case is ultimately settled, documented damages require consideration when determining a fair compensation amount. If comparative negligence comes into play, meaning an investigation into the matter finds that you or your loved were partially at fault for the incident, partial compensation may still be sought.
Don’t fight alone
Commercial truck accidents can ruin lives. The losses they create can be difficult to overcome. Fighting for relief will not prove to be an easy feat. Thankfully, if you suffered injuries or lost a loved one in a collision with a commercial vehicle, you can turn to legal counsel for assistance in seeking full and fair compensation for your losses.