Our last blog post discussed times when your workers' compensation benefits can be reduced. This is just one of a whole host of problems that can arise during the workers' compensation recovery process. Everything from an initial denial to complications during appeal...
Salem MA Personal Injury Law Blog
When can my workers’ compensation benefits be reduced?
Worker's compensation can be a real life-saver. Injured workers may struggle to survive financially when injured on the job, and workers' compensation can help cover lost wages and medical expenses. Yet, the workers' compensation system in Massachusetts is very...
Head-on collision leaves four injured in Massachusetts
This blog often discusses car accidents and just how devastating they can be for an individual and his or her family. Perhaps one of the most frightening aspects of a car wreck is that it often comes out of nowhere. A drunk, distracted, or otherwise negligent driver...
Can I receive workers’ compensation for disfigurement?
Yes, you can. Massachusetts law allows individuals who have been disfigured by a workplace injury or illness to recover a one-time payment. However, in order to recover compensation for this injury, the worker must show that he or she has suffered disfigurement or...
Can I file a medical malpractice claim even if I gave consent?
Yes, depending on the circumstances. The law requires medical professionals to educate you about your medical condition, available treatment options, and the risks associated with each course of action. This information must be provided in a way that is easy to...