Three Massachusetts workers were recently injured in a construction accident. According to reports, a roof fell inside the 33-story building where they were working, causing several floors to fall on top of one another in a chain reaction. There were 120 employees...
Salem MA Personal Injury Law Blog
Lawsuit: Doctor negligence caused baby’s death, mother’s injuries
The time when a mother welcomes her new baby into the world is supposed to be filled with excitement and happiness. Unfortunately, though, doctors sometimes make mistakes that can turn those moments into horrifying nightmares. A doctor or hospital error can leave a...
Four hurt when drunk Massachusetts mother causes crash
Unfortunately, drunk drivers can be on Massachusetts' roads at any time. These drivers can also be anybody. Mothers, workers and teens can all be drunk behind the wheel, posing serious hazards to other motorists. With the existence of these factors comes the sad...
Woman wins tummy tuck medical malpractice case
Medical malpractice changes lives. One woman, who was once able to run her own business and exercise daily, now struggles handling everyday tasks and has lost her company all due to medical malpractice. The mishap occurred after the woman underwent an abdominoplasty,...