Car accidents don’t discriminate. Regardless of a person’s age, race or gender, and no matter how defensively a person drives, we are all equally susceptible to a devastating car crash. Car accident victims can find that the harm they suffered can be quite extensive. In some instances, these wrecks prove fatal. Pedestrians, on the other hand, don’t even have the protection automobiles provide, such as a seatbelt or airbag. In a lot of pedestrian accidents, the pedestrians themselves are hopeless to stop or even slow an oncoming, errant vehicle.
As can be seen by one recent Massachusetts accident, these crashes can be fatal. There, a 60-year-old pedestrian was struck by a car. The driver of that vehicle fled the scene, but later contacted police. The victim was rushed to the hospital, but died shortly thereafter. The incident is still under investigation.
The losses following a fatal accident can be significant and include financial as well as emotional harm. Surviving family members may find themselves wondering how they are going to move past the incident and find the ability to pay medical expenses as well as funeral costs. Additionally, a loved one’s lost wages may throw a family into a financial tailspin.
Fortunately, families in these situations may seek compensation for their losses via a wrongful death lawsuit. In order to succeed on these claims, though, certain legal elements must be proven. Damages must also be evidenced in order to recoup them. Thus, those who wish to impose liability on a negligent driver may need to ask themselves if they need legal assistance in doing so.
Source: CBS Boston, “60-Year-Old Man Killed, Driver Cited in Attleboro Hit-And-Run,” Jan. 4, 2017